Volunteer Profile
The ASBOF is proud of the work undertaken each year by our volunteers from Bondi Brass and more recently from Camden Campbelltown District Band. We would like to introduce you to some of the people who make this experience possible for the young musicians here today.

John ‘Tess’ Tesoriero – BBb Tuba
John Tesoriero, affectionately known by all as Tess, was one of the founding members of the Waverley Municipal Band, (later changed to Waverley Bondi Beach Band and now Bondi Brass). Tess is our BB Tuba player and the band’s Property Manager. He is a tireless worker for the Festival, arranging transport and the delivery of any extra percussion we require. His dulcet tones can be heard in the Clancy foyer as he updates Festival patrons regarding the progress of events.
Tessie’s wife, Barb, and their daughter, Carla, also help out at the ticket office during the Festival making it a real family affair.

Delmae Kelly
Delmae Kelly has been a strong supporter of the band and has also been a loyal Festival volunteer for many years. Delmae is the wife of Peter, who has been principal euphonium with the band for many years.
We are pleased to recognise Delmae’s contribution to the band and the Festival by presenting her volunteer profile.

Elisabeth Steindler
Elisabeth Steindler is the mother of the Andrew, who has played trombone in the band for many years.
Elisabeth is a great supporter of the band and often attends band rehearsals on Tuesday nights.
Elisabeth has been a loyal volunteer at the Festival and is invariably to be found at the ticket counter running the show. We are very pleased to acknowledge Elisabeth’s contribution by presenting her volunteer profile.

Kelvin Bakewell
Kelvin Bakewell has been a member of Bondi Brass since he was 12 years of age and has been volunteering at the Festival since that time. Kel is a grand nephew of Frank Coughlan, one of Australia’s greatest jazz musicians, and is one of the great stalwarts of Bondi Brass and the broader Sydney band movement. Kel, we salute you!