Free Jobs Listing Service Now Available

2017-06-28T00:25:48+10:00Festival Events|

The SBF is pleased to announce that we have a FREE Jobs Listing Service available on our website. Each year the SBF gets numerous requests from schools to advertise a vacancy through our contact list. So we thought, lets go one better and provide schools with a one stop shop to assist them in filling [...]

Jazz Masterclass with Denis DiBlasio

2017-05-22T17:01:28+10:00Festival Events|

The Scots College, in conjunction  with the NSW School Band Festival, are proud to announce A Jazz Masterclass with Denis DiBlasio Executive Director or the Maynard Ferguson Institue of Jazz Studies Tuesday 30th May 6.00pm Scots College The masterclass series hosted by the Music Department at The Scots College, Sydney has become a drawcard [...]