The Scots College, in conjunction with the NSW School Band Festival, are proud to announce
A Jazz Masterclass with Denis DiBlasio
Executive Director or the Maynard Ferguson Institue of Jazz Studies
Tuesday 30th May 6.00pm Scots College
The masterclass series hosted by the Music Department at The Scots College, Sydney has become a drawcard for those wanting to hear world-class pedagogues working with top music students.
A jazz improvisation masterclass is unique, particularly for high school students, but the format at Scots has proven effective in promoting learning for both students and staff. A professional rhythm section accompanies the student improviser allowing musical interaction in their presentation as you would expect in a real-world jazz performance context. The expert teacher can then target specific aspects of the performer’s playing as they would present in a gig, rather than as an academic exercise. The professionals are also then on-hand to demonstrate themselves or to perform with the guest artist as a model.
Scots boys make up the bulk of the performers in the College’s masterclass series however there are always a few invited performers from other high schools or from undergraduate music performance programs. These performers from outside the Scots community are hand-picked by Scots Director of Music, Paul Vickers, who says “these guest participants are always top student performers who provide our students with a model and with inspiration through their performances… We are pleased to be able to offer something like this to the broader music community in Sydney.”
Bookings Essential: For more information, or to book a ticket go to