The SBF is pleased to announce that we have a FREE Jobs Listing Service available on our website. Each year the SBF gets numerous requests from schools to advertise a vacancy through our contact list. So we thought, lets go one better and provide schools with a one stop shop to assist them in filling their positions vacant.

Simply go to the OPPORTUNITIES page of our website and search the available jobs.

If your school or community group is looking for:

  • A Music Director for your band or string ensemble
  • Tutors for your program
  • Additional tutors for your upcoming Band Camp

all you need to do is POST A JOB  on our website and let us help you fill the position. The listing will become live as soon as it is approved by SBF administration.

The system allows you to provide detailed information about the role as well as letting you promote your school and program to prospective candidates. You are able to add links to your website, outline remuneration packagess, and even show the location of the school. Adding your school or band logo gives your ad a professional feel and assists you in attracting the best candidates.

This listing is provided free of charge as part of our ongoing commitment to school and community music and is available for school or community bands, string ensembles and orchestras.

Contact Pat Devery at if you have any questions about the system.

Follow us on social media and never miss a job opportunity.