Board of Directors

The Australian School Band and Orchestra Festival Ltd is company limited by guarantee and is listed on the Federal Government’s Register of Cultural Organisations (ROCO) as a tax-deductible entity.

Don Shearman

Don lectures in mathematics and statistics for Western Sydney University and is also involved in research in education. Don has worked as a high school band director and has been actively involved in community music organisations for over 40 years. A number of Don's ex-students are professional musicians and teachers.

Simon Thew

Simon is Music Director and Chief Conductor at Houston Ballet. He has also worked with organisations including The Australian Ballet, Orchestra Victoria, Birmingham Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, and Opera Australia. Simon is a Churchill Fellow and is committed to music education through his work with ASBOF and other youth/community organisations.

Pat Devery
Director/General Manager

Pat has a strong background in teaching and education administration. Pat has been actively involved with  the Australian School Band and Orchestra Festival since 1985. After teaching for over 25 years Pat now works with the Independent Education Union of Australia (NSW/ACT Branch) as a Professional Officer.